You can disappear for a week and return to a changed world. These changes may be abysmal, like the clothes fitted to a hyper-realistic mannequin in a shop window or the color of your neighbor’s hair. Or they send you toppling towards the floor, because those bare trees are shedding purple blooms onto the ground all around you like confetti. Because it’s six pm, and light will shake and spill out into your hair between bouts of rainfall. Or your cat will grow up, into her big paws and ears and never look at you the same way again.
In April there are nothing but changes. Or in a year there is nothing but changes. Or maybe
everything stays the same no matter the calendar date, but that stasis is constant change. But you didn’t ask us, the coffee people, for any insight on our conceptual experience of time, its passage, or our place within it. You hardly asked us for anything at all: you click a box and emails fall out (magic). You ask us to tell you about coffee, roasted special for you and your wallet, and then wish you adieu.
This April, Pollard’s Coffee of the Month Club will feature East Timor, a natural hybrid that’s
been grown and cultivated since the 1940s. These beans come from one of the largest organic coffee cooperatives in the world, Cooperativa Café Timor (CCT). CCT is comprised of over 20,000 members—most being of family-owned farms operating on less than one hectare of land. The cooperative not only assists small farmers sell their products internationally but it also provides free healthcare services to those living in the region and has treated over two million patients.

Green mountains shape the country like its skeleton, where the fog creeps outwards and hangs at the ridges and the slopes like a slip. Its coffee is sweet and tart, has notes like something picked up in a grocery store checkout line or at a striped fairground booth. Fully washed, these beans will taste simply like themselves, like the mountains they’re picked from, the ocean that surrounds.
If you’d like to try East Timor this month, subscribe to Pollard’s Coffee of the Month Club.
Commit for one month, three months, six months, a year, or until canceled. After April, this
variety will be available for non-subscribers, but for a higher price, and it will sell out fast.
The sun is out for now. If you look closely, there are flowers sprouting in the dirt. Ants are
crawling up the vines, and the cat has brought a mouse into your kitchen. Here it is. Here is

Grower: Cooperativa Café Timor (CCT)
Variety: Hibrido de Timor
Region: Ainaro, Ermera, and Lequisa, East Timor
Process: Fully washed and dried on raised beds
Altitude: 800-1600 masl
Soil: Volcanic loam
Harvest: June-October
Tasting Notes: Maple, milk chocolate, caramel apple