The Brazilwood tree has a bright red core in its trunk. Like blood or magnum, shiny and wet
when spliced open. Brazil, Brasil, ‘reddish’, ‘ember-like’. With age the bark peels off, the red
peeks through. Its flowers are red, yellow. Its pieces, its flowers and nuts and outer red skin will turn into dye for clothes and napkins. Its heart will become the bow of a violin, string to string, the channel for pulpy music to explode out into the air. Or the tree will remain standing in the rainforest, connected to all the rest through the roots, sending signals, collecting light, emitting air. Do the trees only communicate regarding utilitarian matters or do they share other things? The ocean isn’t so far. They might talk about the sound the waves make along the shore. If you hold a conch shell up to a tree, will it hear the ocean too, all of its inner-tree sounds rushing around, deep into the earth?
Brazilwoods, also known as the Pernambuco wood or the Paubrasilia tree, naturally grows along the Brazilian coastline, though it is cultivated in eastern regions such as Cerrado Mineiro. Pollard’s September Coffee of the Month Club offering comes from this region and is named Paubrasil after the endangered tree.
With changing environmental conditions, Brazil’s farmers work to utilize available technologies to ensure their coffee is consistently smooth and balanced. Paubrasil is a classic Natural processed coffee, sourced from one of the Cerrado Coffee Growers Federation’s nine cooperatives—six different certified producers. Many of them are second or third generation growers, who commonly have completed agronomic engineering, business management, and administration degrees.
Cerrado Mineiro is a globally-recognized, quality origin and the country’s first “Protected
Geographical Indication (PGI).” The balmy, rainy summers are succeeded by a dry winter, and contribute to a coffee with a full body, rich chocolate notes, and, when ground for espresso, a velvety texture. The region is home to many of Brazil’s established coffee estates which are highly involved in the entire process.
Subscribe to the club before the end of the month and receive a bag of Brazil Paubrasil. Every month you’ll receive a new featured coffee—subscribe for a year, six
months, three months, even just one or until canceled. Brazil Paubrasil will be available to
non-subscribers in October for a higher price, if there is any left.
Grower: Cerrado Mineiro Designation of Origin accredited producers
Variety: Yellow Catuai
Region: Cerrado Mineiro
Process: Natural
Altitude: 800-1300 masl
Harvest: Year round
Tasting Notes: Dried cherry, dark chocolate, almond
